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Remote Telephone Triaging
PCD recognises waiting times to see a GP are at an all time high and surgeries across the country are looking for innovative ways to manage patient demand in the best interest of the local population.
We offer a remote telephone triaging system to help surgeries direct patients to the most appropriate care, and prioritise those most in need of medical attention. A proportion of patients during telephone triaging will not need to be seen in clinic by a GP face-to-face and this is where PCD’s fully qualified and experienced ACP’s step in allowing family doctors to dedicate their time to those patients who really need their expert skills.

Importance of Remote Telephone Triaging
Triage and remote consultations could reduce visits to A&E as a result of faster and improved access to advice, support and treatment from primary care teams.
A direct result of the current pandemic has been a significant reduction in the number of face-to-face appointments and our team is well equipped to deal with the current demand that NHS England is experiencing.
For a more in depth discussion about how our bespoke clinical services could help stream-line your surgeries patient care get in touch with one of our dedicated service representatives today.